
Lone Bitco Miner wins the mass with a small and cheap platform – “1 in a million chances”

A single individual bitcoin worker used a relatively cheap mining platform for a Blockchain block and got the full bonus of $ 263,000.

The single mining factor has become a single single 297 to extract Bitcoin Solo.ckpool Bitcoin (BTCMining gathering, developer, Kon Culvas, He said In the publication of March 10.

A mine worker added that Bitaxe 480 GB (GH/S) added. For comparison, many large encryption mining companies Using machines It can work in more than 230,000 GH/S.

“The number of a mine of this size is not less than one chance in one million in order to find a mass daily, or instead, it will take 3500 years to find a mass on average,” Kulvas added.

Miners benefited with a total of 3.15 BTC to solve the mass 887,212, which was placed in the time of March 10 at 7:22 pm UTC. This reward includes Current 3.125 Bitcoin mining bonus And other 0.025 Bitcoin of transaction fees, Data He appears.

source: Confavas universe

The price of the Bitaxe Gamma 601 machine, which has an area of ​​1200 GB Gama, is approximately three times from the one used by the individual mining worker, about $ 158, According to To bitcoin miner Marketplace asic lege.

The value of the ASIC mine is estimated that Bitaxe Gamma 601 will make a little more than $ 20 a year while using about $ 18 of electricity, as it reached a net net profit of less than $ 3.

Bitaxe Gamma 601 is approximately the size of the smartphone. source: ASIC mining value

It also states that the Bitaxe Gamma 601 possibilities are mining a single block on any specific day is one of 4.6 million, or one in every 12700 over a year.

Related to: Solo Mineeer disrupts Bitcoin Block at a value of $ 300,000

Solo miners rarely solve the Bitcoin blocks, not to mention those who have small mining platforms.

Most bitcoin is canceled Among the largest gatherings such as Foundry USA – which gets a large share of its rally from public Bitcoin miners such as blades mining, BitFarms and Hut 8.

The largest mining company in Bitcoin is used by Market Cap and Hashrate, Mara Holdings, its Bitcoin Mining Groups, Mara Pool.

While the bitcoin miners with a pocket size are hardly profitable, some of These are small mines workers It is built in Open method To fight “secrecy and exclusive” for the Bitcoin Mining Industry, said “Skot”, one of the Bitaxe miners, “Skot” in an interview with him in an interview September 2023.

Scott said that most bitcoin miners, such as those made by Bitmai, are closed, which works to reflect the spirit of Bitcoin.

“The appearance of these open source projects sheds light on this region often mysterious, making it more transparent and available to the public.”

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