
Bitcoin (BTC) is related to the first Bond Holding Holding

ReX launched shares of a fund of its kind (ETF), which allowed investors to be exposed to transferred debts issued by companies to add Bitcoin to their public budget.

It is called “Rex Bitcoin Corporate Treasible Bond ETF”, and the box is necessarily consisting of a convertible paper issued by Michael Silor strategy (MSTR), to a large extent the largest source of this debt. Other best holders include convertible notes from Marathon Marathon Digital (MARA) and RIOT (RIOT).

“So far, it has been difficult for individual investors to reach,” said Greg King, CEO of Rex Financial. statement. “BMAX removes these barriers, facilitating investment in the strategy by Michael Sailor – to take advantage of the corporate debts to gain bitcoin as the origin of the Treasury.”

The fund was officially launched today, and it is circulating on the Nasdaq Stock Exchange. It has a total expenditure rate of 0.85 % and was planted with $ 25 million assets.

ETF shares are higher in early trading as Bitcoin rose from the lowest level during the night about $ 80,000 to more than $ 84,000.


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