Changing the political scene brings a huge encryption opportunity – the United States, Representative Steel

Actor Brian Steel said during an interview with February 26 that the United States has a great opportunity to embrace Blockchain, Web3 and Crypto technology through legislation under a changing political scene.
“My broader philosophical goal here is [as a policymaker]: How do we make sure that the United States is in a position to compete for the rest of the world? Steel said in an interview with Shainlink Labs.
He added: “While we do so, there is reasonable protection for consumers and focus on ensuring that we are the pioneer in this environment.” Shit He is the current president From the sub -committee on digital assets, financial technology and artificial intelligence.
The alleged huge opportunity stems, in part, from two bills that are already present: One to organize Stablecoins And the other market structure bill, which will be a reinforced version of Financial innovation and technology for the law of the twenty -first century (Fit21).
According to Steil, the United States turned into a corner four years after the leadership of Joe Biden government and the head of the Securities Committee and the former Stock Exchange Gary Ginsler. Former digital assets critic, US President Donald Trump is Now tends to Blockchain technology.
The cryptocurrency industry criticized the Biden administration of what became colloquially known as “ChokePoint 2.0”, which targeted Debanking from cryptocurrency companies And the policy of the Supreme Education Council “Enforcement“Against WEB3.
David Sachs, the Trump administration encrypted, said Stablecoins is a priority for the new management, with The goal of bringing the encrypted beach Fiat. Many stablecoins are linked to the US dollar and supported by the American treasury, making them a way to increase global domination of the dollar.
Stablecoins is among Crypto’s The most popular use cases All over the world. In places with hyper enlargement, they often buy Stablecoins To keep the purchasing power of their money. Stablecoins is also used to settle transactions.
Steel noticed that encryption has many interesting use cases, including Facilitate transfers across the border And other situations where the costs of transactions are large, including real estate. Blockchain solutions to help verify identity It may also be useful, as confidence in the elections may increase.
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