
Coinbase plans to return India with FIU’s registration

Cryptocurrency Exchang Coinbase is closer to re -launching its services in India after securing a license with the country’s financial intelligence unit (FIU).

On March 11, the exchange of encryption open On social media, “we have agreed to launch it in India,” which prompted a follow -up from Coinbase’s chief legal officials, Paul Groal.

“Coinbase is now registered,” He said Ghorn. “It is a big step towards enabling Indian entrepreneurs to build, innovate and expand the scope of Unshine’s global business – all of this from home.”

Coinbase Blog mail He stressed that the stock exchange plans to provide cryptocurrency trading services in the country, but it has not set a schedule for offering the service.

In addition to encryption traders, the developer community in India can benefit from the availability of Coinbase and its relevant tools, including BaseAccording to the administrative manager of the company’s regional APAC, John Olujen.

Cointelegraph Coinbase called for more information about India’s launch plans but did not receive an immediate response.

The first bat in Coinbase continued in India in 2022, days after it was confronted with cases with the central bank in the country. Coinbase said at that time He is “committed to working with […] Related powers to ensure alignment, with local expectations and industry rules. “

Related to: India may change the policy of encryption due to international adoption: Report

India axis on encryption

India had a complex history with an encrypted currency, where FIU banned a lot of exchange of encryption over the years.

Legal expert Amit Kumar Gobta Cointelegraph said Many legislators negatively look at the industry, and link it to illegal activities. This is partly explaining the reason for the desire of some of the Indian government’s desire to purify the sector through implementation Harsh tax laws.

However, the tide appears to be transformed with the high temperature of the adoption of global encryption, which prompted fears that India will leave behind.

In February, Reuters quote India’s Economic Affairs Minister Ajay Seth said that cryptocurrencies “do not believe in the borders”, which indicates that the country needs to precede the adoption curve.

Coinbase, India, the exchange of encrypted currency

In terms of dependence on encryption, India receives the highest grades among CSAO countries. source: series

Despite the controversy, India has emerged as a leading country in terms of the adoption of encryption in the Southern and South Asia (CSAO) region, according to a report issued by a series of 2024. The report said that India had received special signs in particular to adopt retail financing and centers.

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