
Ethereum Researcher Pitches Solution to fix centralization problems, remove MEV

An Ethereum researcher has set up a new solution to the block proposal aimed at —emocratize the current centralized process of developing the Ethereum block by implementing a “shared random algorithm.”

“Decentralized Random Block Proposal” will get byzantine Fault Tolerance (BFT) to eliminate Maximum can be obtained amount At the level of the block, the block suggestion is fully democratized and possibly accelerating the propagation – the process by which transactions have been broadcast on network validators – pseudonymous researchers Malik672 Says In a post of 1 March.

Malik672 said as Ethereum’s proof-stake model and the builder’s separation of the builder moved the highest possible amount of concentration to some extent, it resulted in both builders and relays becoming increasingly centralized.

Ethereum Foundation Researcher Toni Wahrstäther recently pointed out that two Ethereum block builders – the beaverbuild and titanium builder – built 88.7% of all Ethereum blocks In the first two weeks of October.

That figure was from nearly 80%, according to Malik672, which is even more centralized than the Ethereum community wants.

“This system has flipped: Block -building is spreading to thousands of clients around the world, the process is completely democratizing. No one is a dominant dominant -unlike the PBS builder or a centralized mixer -and the BFT eases the difference -different mempool, ensures stability.”

Mev – the amount obtained by the block proposers by repairing or Censoring transactions —in resulting in a set of manipulation manipulation techniques, such as arbitrage and front-running, which has Come to the cost of ordinary network users.

“It drops Ethereum’s decentralized ethos,” Malik672 said.

Comparison of Malik672’s Block Proposal System to the current a PBS method. Source: Ethereum Research

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Under the Malik672 proposal, all Ethereum clients – compared to a number of builders – will build blocks through a cryptographically random algorithm. This random choice will prevent the income -driven Tactics that affect Ethereum users, the researcher claims.

Malik672 says the solution is better aligned with Ethereum’s “unbelievable veins Scale ethereum layer 2s.

Malik672 added that the solution could reduce slot hours from 12 seconds to 6 to 8 seconds.

It came as Sumang -according to the Ethereum Devs and researchers Start deploying Ethereum upgrades In a faster purity in Feb. 13 to speed up Ethereum’s technical roadmap.

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