Investment Giant WisDomtree launches ETP based on CoinDesk 20 in Consensus Hong Kong

Hong Kong-European investors can now obtain direct exposure to CoinDesk 20, an index representing the largest crypto assets, thanks to a new product exchanged exchange (ETP) from WisDometree launched at Consensus Hong Kong.
“The launch of the first CoinDesk 20 ETP with WisDomtree is a reference to the moment for investment in European digital assets,” Alan Campbell, president of CoinDesk indices, said on a release. “CoinDesk 20 provides institutional investors with a streamline way to access the largest digital assets beyond Bitcoin.”
Wisdree’s Physical CoinDesk 20 ETP (WCRP) offers exposure to digital assets listed in CoinDesk 20, in a similar way to other ETPs that offer exposure to the S&P 500 or the NASDAQ.
The WCRP is listed in Deutsche Börse Xetra, the Swiss Stock Exchange six, and Euronext exchanges in Paris and Amsterdam.
In addition, the WCRP generates a staking yield, which allows investors to benefit from the rewards obtained by helping to secure the underlying blockchain networks.
CoinDesk 20’s index, launched in January 2024, has quickly become a major benchmark for digital asset investors, with more than $ 14 billion in trading volume in its first year.