The Brazilian legislator submits a bill to regulate bitcoin salaries

Brazilian lawmakers are studying new legislation that formally allow employers to pay salaries for employees who use cryptocurrencies such as Bitcoin.
Federal Deputy Louise Philip de Orleans E Pragansa has submitted a draft law proposing to regulate encryption payments for wages, rewards and work benefits.
foot On March 12, the draft law PL 957/2025 codify the voluntary and partial salaries payments in encrypted currencies such as Bitcoin (BTCWhile employers are required to follow up with part of the wage in the real, Brazilian currency.
Show the draft law PL 957/2025 by Louise Philip de Orleans e Praganta. Source: CAMARA.LEG.BR
Orleans Praghanza, the descendant of the former royal family in Brazil, is Submission His second term as a federal deputy to Sowo Paulo and Support Social truth, the social media platform owned by US President Donald Trump.
Bitcoin may only represent 50 % of salaries
In the proposed legislation, Orleans-Braganza asked legislators to prevent employees from paying full salaries in encryption, crowned such payments by 50 %.
“Paying salaries exclusively in virtual assets is prohibited,” with the exception of cases that involve expatriate employees or foreign workers, according to the conditions of regulations by the Central Bank of Brazil.
Excerpt from the proposed bill PL 957/2025. Source: CAMARA.LEG.BR
The draft law also allows full encryption payments by “independent service providers”, according to some contractual provisions.
Otherwise, the payment share in the real Brazilian language may not be less than 50 % of the total salary payments for the employee.
The transfer of the amount paid to the encryption should follow the exchange rate that was set by the Central Bank of Brazil.
This is a developing story, and more information will be added when available.