
Toncoin screams while Pavel Durov leaves France after the month

The price of toncoin (Ton) climbed more than 6% immediately following the release of Telegram founder Pavel Durov from France, where the founder of Tech Tech was forced to remain since he was arrested in August 2024.

According to CoinMarketCapTons of tons rallied almost 18% in the last 24 hours and over 13% in the last seven days.

Following the news of The arrest of the founder of the telegram In France on August 24, 2024, the ton price dropped by more than 35%, from approximately $ 6.88 to $ 4.44 in September 2024.

Digital Asset reached a high $ 7.20 on December 4, 2024, amid a historical rally in crypto markets in response to Re -election by President Donald Trump In the United States.

However, Ton’s price collapsed approximately 67% after the post-election rally, reaching a low $ 2.36 on March 11, 2025.

Telegram, Pavel Durov, ton

Toncoin’s price action since August 2024. Source: Tradingview

Toncoin is the cryptocurrency of the open network, which is separate from the Telegram platform, but has become an outfit for messaging application users.

Durov was given a approved to leave France are applauded by Telegram and Ton users as a win for freedom of speech, while the debate between online security and freedom of expression continues to revolt.

Related: Wallet on Telegram to list 50 tokens and launch yield program

Pavev’s finally allowed to leave France after the month

The founder of Telegram was reported to have gained permission to leave France on March 13 to travel to Dubai.

According to the AFP news agency, unnamed resources confirmed Durov’s removal from the country in Europe this morning, and other resources said the Telegram founder was allowed to leave France for “several weeks.”

At this point, it is unclear whether the case has been fixed in the French courts or if Durov has only been given a temporary travel time while the case is arbitrado with the legal system.

Telegram, Pavel Durov, ton

A translated statement from the public office in the Paris Public Prosecutor announcing charges against Telegram founder Pavel Durov. Source: Jacques Pezet

French law enforcement officials accused Telegram of facilitating illegal activities by failing to do the messaging platform and also pressed charges against Durov – forcing him to stay in France as part of a bail agreement.

The founder of the telegram later characterized arresting as unnecessary And it is said that the company is maintaining a representative in the European Union to handle legal requests.

Durov emphasized that he and the company would happily cooperate with the French authorities if an appropriate legal request for assistance was submitted.

Magazine: Was Telegram’s Pavev Durov committed a crime? Crypto lawyers weigh