
While the home panel kicks the frames on Bill Stablecoin, the old school financing giants reveal the transformation

After years when those familiar with the blades sought desperately to attract the attention of the US Congress, the witnesses supporting digital numbers at the latest at the latest. A hearing in Congress on Stablecoins It includes a senior executive from New York Bank Melon Corp and Davis Polk & Wardoel’s lawyer, who spent his career in the representation of Wall Street.

As Congress momentum rises to support encryption legislation in this session, representatives of the traditional financial system put its feet on standards to help raise the balance towards Stablecoin regulations. At the hearing of the Financial Services Committee in the House of Representatives on Tuesday, lawyer Randy Gwyen argued that the guarantees imposed by transparency and accountability in Stablecoin on a better act of the professor’s notebook economy, known as the stable law, must put these digital symbols under protection similar to banking services.

“If the permissible stablecoin source has a proper calibration reserve from liquid assets, the capital store and the absence of a financial amount of other obligations that are not required, as is imagined in the stable verb, its paid payments must be safe such as secure bank deposits and the central bank’s money,” Gwen certificateWho was long ago among the most prominent lawyer of Wall Street about banking compliance.

And only on the witness table Caroline sat BitlerThe International Chairman of the BNY Mellon Digital Assets, which was called by actor Richie Torres, a democratic in New York, “the final expression of the traditional financial system.” Bater said its bank is already providing important services to exporters such as Circle (USDC) And that the sector needs clarity from the United States government.

“What is very important for the ecological system is to ensure that with the banks that provide custody, there is confidence and implicit confidence in the ecosystem that the customer’s assets are already protected and protected in accordance with the federal legislation and organization.”

“We want to be able to participate in new and advanced options and mechanisms – being Stablecoins and Blockchain technology just an example – so that we can continue to meet the advanced needs of the market and our customers.”

The feelings of the supporters of Stablecoin regulations have been said what was often said in the past, but the sources of this feeling often come from traditional financing angles. Conceptions occurred as the political muscles of the encryption industry – which are fueled by tens of millions of dollars to assist the congressional campaigns from the encryption sources – were significantly strengthened in Washington, as shown in a recent vote in the Senate, where a crowd of Democrats joined the Republicans to cancel the base of encoding internal revenues. (The House of Representatives is expected to vote later on Tuesday whether the Senate will be joined in it.)

So, Crypto has more friends to make legislation more likely, Wall Street exists for it.

The democratic ranking of the committee, Maxine Waters, and others from his party to discuss Stablecoin to return to a draft law that was and former Chairman of the Republican Patrick McGuneri worked together through the corridor. And she rejected this current effort, I argued that “the need to return to the drawing plate on Stablecoins.”

But actor Sam Lexconda, a democratic in California, noticed the transition in Congress, abandoning the resistance of behavior in some way on Stablecoins. “We have moved from a discussion if it should be organized how to organize,” he said.

Meanwhile, in the Senate, Senator Bill’s legislation was similar called the Law of Guidance and the Establishment of the National Innovation of the American Stablecoins Law (Genius Act) It has been more revised And head towards a Listen session later this week In the Senate Banking Committee.

While it is still represented in the Stablecoins approach, the committee also looked on Tuesday in legislation prohibiting the establishment of a digital currency of the US Central Bank (CBDCS). Republicans operated a A strong campaign against the idea They are looking forward to further consolidating the CEO of Donald Trump to go to the formation of such a digital dollar. The consideration of the Convention on Biodiversity in the United States has never reached significant progress in the previous administration, but the Republican Party legislators suggested that the federal government would use it as a tool for spying on citizens, despite the comments of officials such as Federal Reserve Chairman Jerome Powell that his agency was not an interest in the CBDC virtual administration.


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